Ness & Shader Community First Responders along with Lionel school have produced this brilliant Gaidhlig Version of the Do You Know CPR video!
The pupils of Lionel School are proud to have their very own defibrillator and to have received Emergency Life Support training from Scottish Charity Lucky2BHere. Thanks to Lucky2Bhere Eilean Siar there is now a defibrillator in every school in the Western Isles and every single pupil has the opportunity to learn the life saving skills as part of their curriculum. The defibrillators are located outside the Schools, so they can be used both during term time and be available to the local community out with school hours too.
Lucky2Bhere Eilean Siar was set up in 2006 as a branch of the Skye-based charity that has trained thousands and placed defibrillators across Scotland. When the Eilean Siar team started three years ago, there were seven AEDs in the Western Isles – now there are 123….and counting!
See the Lucky2BHere map for full details of defibrillators across Scotland and keep up to date with L2BH activities on Facebook @lucky2bhere
Well done to all involved! Watch the video here: