If you already know CPR then use the button below to join GoodSAM.
To learn or refresh your lifesaving CPR skills, use this button.
Sign up to GoodSAM and be ready to save a life!
When someone has a cardiac arrest, help could be around the corner. With GoodSAM, in Scotland, you could be that help. All you need is to know CPR.
How to sign up? – follow these written steps.
Sign up is easy. Just click the ‘Join GoodSAM now’ button and follow these steps to become a CPR responder with GoodSAM. You don’t have to have a certificate or formal training, you just need to know CPR and be over 18. You’ll need some photo ID to hand.
- Complete the form
- Select UK: Scottish Ambulance Service as your verifying organisation (even if you work for another organisation)
- Take a picture of your photo ID (Drivers licence, work pass etc)
- Tick the box to accept the terms and conditions to register
- Download the app
The team at SAS will verify you and you’ll be good to go.
Responder Stories
Ian in Turriff
“I live in a rural town within the Grampian Region and have been volunteering as a cardiac responder in my local community for almost 7 years, initially with the Sandpiper Wildcat Project and now directly with the Scottish Ambulance Service. The goodsam app enables me to easily sign on and off when I am available to help and following an alert, will navigate me to the location and I will provide care to the patient until the Ambulance Crews arrive and then support them if required and also help family in whatever way I can.
I do not come from a medical background but receive regular training with the Scottish Ambulance Service and find my volunteering role, which provides the opportunity to share some knowledge and life saving skills with the wider community very rewarding”.