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In collaboration with the Scottish Government, Leith Agency and Daysix, the partnership has been shortlisted for the Star Awards for use of marketing as a means of spreading CPR awareness in Scotland.

Since the beginning of the campaign the partnership has worked to create content that engages, informs, and educates people of all ages in Scotland. In 2016, SALFS in collaboration with Daysix created 3 short CPR awareness videos with the children of Westquarter Primary School in Falkirk to share with other schools across the country. To date these videos have garnered 10,600+ views!

In 2018 SALFS in collaboration with the Leith Agency and the Scottish Government sought to bring the message of CPR to an even wider audience with the “(Gonna Be) 500 Times” video featuring Carol Smillie. The partnership shared this video far and wide across their respective social media platforms, and the video has now racked up almost 1 million view and counting!

Of the people who have watched these films 93% reported an increase in confidence to deliver CPR, showing the power and reach of marketing in spreading CPR awareness in Scotland!

We’re so thrilled and thankful to the partners for making this nomination possible! Winners will be announced on the 13th of June 2019.